Intellectual Output 2

Educational Scenarios

Leading Organization: Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attika - RDPSEA (EL)


Start date: 1/7/2021
End date: 28/2/2022


Output Description


IO2 aims to create educational scenarios to support teachers to efficiently deliver online courses and especially courses at the fields of Mathematics, Physics and Language as complementary to in-class instruction. These scenarios will constitute a structured plan, which describes the educational process and aims to guide teachers during this process. They basically will define the form and the content of the teaching experience i.e., learning outcomes, pedagogical theories, orientation, etc. and provides the sequence of the learning activities and learning material during a specific learning process that takes place with the blended learning model. According to the learning objectives of each educational scenario, specific educational methods will be utilized, which in turn determine the flow of activities, the appropriate tools and the role of the teacher. The educational scenarios will provide multiple means of action and expression, aiming to create opportunities for students to play an active role online by communicating their thinking through online discussion or taking the lead in facilitating an online educational activity.

The main target groups of this IO are teachers of secondary schools in general and especially the ones that teach the courses of Mathematics, Physics and Language.

A2.1 Development of a generic template for educational scenarios

Based on the main findings derived from IO1, this activity deals with the design of a generic template for educational scenarios for delivering online courses in addition to in-class activities. The template will define the structure of an educational scenario aiming to cover all the aspects of courses delivery and be easily adapted to different contexts and courses. scenarios will address two stakeholders: Teachers and Students aiming to support them in online teaching and learning, including as much interactivity as possible and ensuring that their context is realistic and manageable.


A2.2 Development of educational scenarios for Language, Mathematics and Physics


This activity will create educational scenarios for Language, Mathematics and Physics courses delivered at the third grade of low secondary schools. Project partners will provide sample educational scenarios, while the project ambassadors will also be involved in this process. Thus, the educational scenarios will be co-designed by teachers for teachers and students. At least 24 educational scenarios will be developed for the subject-specific teaching of Language (8 scenarios), Physics (8 scenarios) and Mathematics (8 scenarios) according to the blended learning model.
