Newsletter #1


“CONNECT” is an Erasmus+KA2 project [GRANT AGREEMENT: 2020- 1-EL01-KA226- SCH-094578], launched in March 2021, which aims to promote digital education in Mathematics, Physics and Foreign Languages in lower secondary education as well as to enhance the professional skills of teachers in digital technology.

The "CONNECT" Project will implement a 28-month work plan (1.3.2021-28.06.2023) with actions, educational material, training activities and school piloting addressing teachers as the direct target group and students as indirect beneficiaries.



The CONNECT approach is based on three principles: (a) distance education adapted to secondary education, (b) blended learning approach and (c) the flipped classroom model. In this hybrid model, the change of roles of teachers and students is at the core.

In order the objectives to be fulfilled, the following outputs will be developed:

  • A Pedagogical Framework based on the Blended learning approach (online delivery of courses and in-class activities)
  • 27 Educational Scenarios in Mathematics, Physics and Foreign Language
  • A MOOC course for educators based on the CONNECT approach and the scenarios using open sources, prototype material and e-learning platforms.
  • A teacher's Guide to support educators in implementing to efficiently use CONNECT approach for the online delivery of courses
  • A sustainability Plan involving best practices and recommendations for further use, exploitation, and implementation in school practice.
Kick-off meeting

The project was officially launched on 22nd April 2021, with the participation of all partner countries. The meeting was online, due to the pandemic, but all project partners were delighted to share their plans regarding the Project management, Quality assurance, Evaluation methodolody and Dissemination actions, laying also the foundation for the development of the first output: the Pedagocical framework involving the needs analysis research at partner level. Additional online Project meetings took place addressing specific pedagogical issues that had to be dealt with for the successful project process.


IO1 – Pedagogical Framework

During the first year of implementation, two Intellectual Outputs were successfully developed as originally scheduled. Partners have completed the development of the Pedagogical Framework which comprises of two parts:

Part A: The State-of -the Art /Research findings in the three countries regarding the situation of online education provision during COVID times. It was based on: questionnaires responded by 119 practicing teachers, principals and deputy principals in lower secondary education; 10 semi-constructed interviews for principals; and Focus groups’ discussions (6-10 teachers and students per partner). 

Part B: The distance learning principles, including Blended learning approach in school practice and the Flipped classroom model through ICT, followed by relevant bibliography and references.

IO1 – Pedagogical Framework is available here


IO2 – Educational Scenarios

In the context of Educational Scenarios’ development, a generic Template was developed for the three subject areas (Mathematics, Physics and Foreign Language, accompanied by a Guide with Instructions for preparing and developing an educational scenario.  Sets of evaluation criteria were also developed in the fields of the design, methodology, outcomes and activities and the use of digital tools of the educational scenarios. In addition, nine (9) sets of educational scenarios were developed by all partners per subject area (27 scenarios in total), involving different subject topics. Scenarios were peer-assessed within the consortium for quality purposes and were modified by partners accordingly.

IO2 – Educational Scenarios are available here


Blended learning as a process including before and after learning events (European Commission, 2020)


1st Transnational Project Meeting (physical)

June, 8-9th 2022, Nicosia Cyprus

In the 1st CONNECT TPM the consortium partners had the chance to talk about the so far project progress and to further agree on the activities of the upcoming period. Georgios Kosyvas, Dario La Guardia, Thomas Zarouchas, Gabriella Di Piazza and Eleni Zografou were hosted by Thomas Photiades. Among the issues discussed were: the MOOC platform development in relation to the design of online courses based on the scenarios, internal reporting and financing, quality assurance and risk management, and the overall evaluation methodology plan in relation the next activities with the target groups.



Dissemination Strategy

“RDPSEA and Erasmus Days 2021”

October, 14th 2021, RDPSEA, Athens, Greece


The Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica, organized an online event “Highlighting European cooperation initiatives in school education», with the aim to inform educators about the Erasmus+ projects run by the RDPSEA. The event was hosted by the Regional Director of Attica, Dr Georgios Kosyvas, while the CONNECT project was presented by Dr M. Paraskevas, Ass. Professor.



Erasmus+ “D-Collab” project

May, 27th 2022 University of Cyprus, Nicosia Cyprus


In terms of the Erasmus+ “Collaboration for Effective Digital Education” (Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness), TPM Digital Learning Experiences, Eleni Zografou, on behalf of the RDPSEA, had the opportunity to online disseminate the first project results of the CONNECT project. The event was hosted by Thomas Photiades, SEIT Laboratory, University of Cyprus (partner). 


What’s next?

We are now in the process of developing the MOOC platform, that will include online courses based on the Theoretical Framework and the Educational scenarios as well as the self -evaluation and certification aspects of the teacher training, and recruitment of teachers at partner level. We are also in discussions on how the next activities to be organized: the Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA) and the EU Multiplier Event in Athens, as well as the school piloting at partner level in collaboration with the schools and teachers involved. The issues will be further discussed in our next TPM in Palermo, Italy hosted by Dario La Guardia, in July 13-14 2022.


The 1st Newsletter is available in pdf here.